Satisfaction Survey Please complete this survey to help us understand what we do well and what to improve on The promptness with which our telephones are answered Very promptly Somewhat promptly Neither promptly nor slowly Somewhat slowly Very slowly Ease and availability of scheduling your appointment Very easy and available Somewhat easy and available Neither easy nor difficult Somewhat difficult or unavailable Very difficult or unavailable Friendliness and courtesy of the receptionist Very friendly/courteous Somewhat friendly/courteous Neither friendly nor unfriendly Somewhat unfriendly/rude Very unfriendly/rude Comfort and cleanliness of the reception area and exam room Very comfortable/clean Somewhat comfortable/clean Neither comfortable/clean nor uncomfortable/dirty Somewhat uncomfortable/dirty Very uncomfortable/dirty Care and concern of the staff Very caring/showed much concern Somewhat caring/showed some concern Neither caring nor uncaring Somewhat uncaring/showed little concern Very uncaring/showed no concern The amount of time waiting to see your physician Very short wait Somewhat short wait Neither short nor long wait Somewhat long wait Very long wait Physician explained things in a way that was easy to understand Very easy to understand Somewhat easy to understand Neither easy for difficult to understand Somewhat difficult to understand Very difficult to understand Satisfaction with time spent with physician and thoroughness of exam Very satisfied/very thorough Somewhat satisfied/somewhat thorough Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied/not very thorough Somewhat dissatisfied/not thorough Handling of billing or claim concerns by staff Very helpful and courteous Somewhat helpful and courteous Neither helpful nor unhelpful Somewhat unhelpful or rude Very unhelpful or rude N/A Overall, how would you rate your experience? * Very positive Somewhat positive Neither positive nor negative Somewhat negative Very negative Would you recommend this facility to your friends and family? Yes No Not Sure Which office were you seen in? Christiansburg Wytheville Other comments/feedback Thank you for your feedback!